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**Denotes publication authored by a postdoc, undergraduate, or graduate student in my lab
- Fraterrigo, J.M., W. Chen, J. Loyal, and E. Euskirchen. 2024. Soil microenvironmental variation drives belowground trait variation and interacts with macroclimate to structure aboveground trait variation of arctic shrubs. Journal of Ecology,
- **Vozzo, J., W. Chen, and J.M. Fraterrigo. Arctic shrub expansion generates regional variation in leaf and root litter decomposition. In revision.
- Schore, A.I.G., J.M. Fraterrigo, V.G. Salmon, D. Yang, M.J. Lara. 2023. Nitrogen fixing shrubs advance the pace of tall-shrub expansion in low-Arctic tundra. Communications in Earth & Environment 4, 421 (2023).
- **Chase, M., B. Charles, A. Harmon-Threatt, and J.M. Fraterrigo. 2023. Diverse forest management strategies support functionally and temporally distinct bee communities. Journal of Applied Ecology, 60: 2375–2388.
- **Chase, M., J.M. Fraterrigo, B. Charles, and A. Harmon-Threatt. 2023. Wild bee response to forest management varies seasonally and is mediated by resource availability. Forest Ecology and Management, 548: 121426.
- **Chase, M., J.M. Fraterrigo, and A. Harmon-Threatt. Bee functional traits and their relationship to pollination services depends on many factors: A meta-regression analysis. Insect Conservation and Diversity 16: 313-323.
- **Rembelski, M.K. and J.M. Fraterrigo. 2023. Drought reduces invasive grass performance by disrupting plant-microbe interactions that enhance plant nitrogen supply. Oecologia, 201: 549-564.
- **Stickley, S. F. and J.M. Fraterrigo. 2023. Microclimate species distribution models estimate lower levels of climate-related habitat loss for salamanders. Journal for Nature Conservation, 72: 126333. doi: 10.1016/j.jnc.2023.126333
- **Devotta, D., A. Kent, D. Nelson, P. Walsh, J. Fraterrigo, and F.S. Hu. Effects of alder- and salmon-derived nutrients on aquatic bacterial community structure and microbial community metabolism in sub-arctic lakes. Oecologia 199: 711-724.
- Jackson, C.R., K.K. Cecala, J.E. Kirsch, S.J. Wenger, J.R. Webster, D.S. Leigh, J.D. Knoepp, J.M. Fraterrigo, J.M. Sanders, and J.P. Love. 2022. Distinctive connectivities of near-stream and watershed-wide rural land uses differentially degrade aquatic ecosystems. Bioscience 72:144-159.
- Euskirchen, E., S. Serbin, T. Carman, J.M. Fraterrigo, H. Genet, C. Iversen, V. Salmon, and A.D. McGuire. 2022. Assessing dynamic vegetation model parameter uncertainty across Alaskan Arctic tundra plant communities. Ecological Applications 32: e2499.
- **Perez, S., J.M. Fraterrigo, and J.W. Dalling. 2022. Interspecific wood trait variation predicts decreased carbon residence time in changing forests. Functional Ecology, 36: 674-685.
- **Salemme, R.K. and J.M. Fraterrigo. 2021. Fire and non-native grass invasion interact to reduce natural tree regeneration in the Central Hardwoods Region. Forest Ecology and Management 491:119202.
- **Devotta D.A., J.M. Fraterrigo, P.B. Walsh, S. Lowe, D.K. Sewell, D.E. Schindler, F.S. Hu. 2021. Watershed Alnus cover alters N:P stoichiometry and intensifies P limitation in subarctic streams. Biogeochemistry 153:155-176.
- Wieder, W. R., D. Pierson, S. R. Earl, K. Lajtha, S. Baer, F. Ballantyne, A. A. Berhe, S. Billings, L. M. Brigham, S. S. Chacon, J.M. Fraterrigo, S. D. Frey, K. Georgiou, M. d. Graaff, A. S. Grandy, M. D. Hartman, S. E. Hobbie, C. Johnson, J. Kaye, E. Snowman, M. E. Litvak, M. C. Mack, A. Malhotra, J. A. M. Moore, K. Nadelhoffer, C. Rasmussen, W. L. Silver, B. N. Sulman, X. Walker, and S. Weintraub. 2021. SOils DAta Harmonization database (SoDaH): an open-source synthesis of soil data from research networks ver 1. Easrth System Science Data, 13: 1843–1854.
- Fraterrigo, J.M. and **M.K. Rembelski. 2021. Frequent fire reduces the magnitude of positive interactions between an invasive grass and soil microbes in temperate forests. Ecosystems, 24: 1738–1755.
- **Stickley, S. F., and J. M. Fraterrigo. 2021. Understory vegetation contributes to microclimatic buffering of near-surface temperatures in temperate deciduous forests. Landscape Ecology 36(2):1-17. DOI: 10.1007/s10980-021-01195-w
- Miniat, C.F., J.M. Fraterrigo, S.T. Brantley, M.A. Callaham, Jr., S. Cordell, J.S. Dukes, C.P., Giardina, S. Jose, and G. Lovett. Impacts of invasive species on forest and grassland ecosystem processes in the United States. In Poland, T.M., Patel-Weynand, T., Finch, D., Miniat, C. F., and Lopez, V. (Eds) 2021, Invasive Species in Forests and Rangelands of the United States: A Comprehensive Science Synthesis for the United States Forest Sector. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany. Open access
- Uelmen, J. A., P. Irwin, D. Bartlett, W. M. Brown, S. Karki, M. O. Ruiz, J. Fraterrigo, B. Li, and R. L. Smith. 2021. Effects of scale on modeling West Nile Virus disease risk. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 104: 151-165. DOI: 10.4269/ajtmh.20-0416.
- Billings, S., K. Lajtha, A. Malhotra, A. Berhe, M.-A. de Graaff, S. Earl, J. Fraterrigo, K. Georgiou , A. S. Grandy, S. Hobbie, J. Moore, K. Nadelhoffer, D. Pierson, C. Rasmussen, W. Silver, B. Sulman, S. Weintraub, and W. Wieder. 2021. Soil organic carbon is not just for soil scientists: Measurement recommendations for diverse practitioners. Ecological Applications, in press. Early view available at:
- **Chen, W., K. D. Tape, E. S. Euskirchen, S. Liang, A. Matos, J. Greenberg, and J. M. Fraterrigo. 2020. Absorptive root traits of arctic shrubs promote nutrient acquisition from Alaskan tundra soils. Frontiers in Plant Science 11(1943). DOI:10.3389/fpls.2020.588098 Open access
- **Candeias, M., and J. M. Fraterrigo. 2020. Trait coordination and environmental filters shape functional trait distributions of forest understory herbs. Ecology and Evolution 10: 14098-1411. Open access
- **Refsland, T., B. Knapp, K. Stephan, and J. M. Fraterrigo. 2020. Sixty-five years of fire manipulation reveals climate and fire interact to determine growth rates of Quercus spp. Ecosphere 11(11). DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.3287. Open access
- **Andino, L. F., L. E. Gentry, and J. M. Fraterrigo. 2020. Closed depressions and soil phosphorus influence subsurface phosphorus losses in a tile-drained field in Illinois. Journal of Environmental Quality 49(5):1273-1285. Open access
- Fraterrigo, J. M., A. Languille, and J. A. Rusak. 2020. Stochastic disturbance regimes improve prediction of ecosystem variability and dynamics. PLoS ONE 15(3): e0229927. Open access
- **Refsland, T. K., J.M. Fraterrigo. 2018. Fire increases drought vulnerability of Quercus alba juveniles by altering forest microclimate and nitrogen availability. Functional Ecology, 32: 2298-2309. Link to PDF
- Ando, A. W., J.M. Fraterrigo, G. Guntenspergen, A. Howlader, M. Mallory, J. H. Olker, and **S. Stickley. 2018. When portfolio theory can help environmental investment planning to reduce climate risk to future environmental outcomes ‐ and when it cannot. Conservation Letters. Open access
- Fraterrigo, J.M., **K. Ream and J. Knoepp. 2018. Tree mortality from insect infestation enhances soil carbon stabilization. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 123: 2121-2134. DOI: 10.1029/2018JG004431. Link to PDF
- Mattia, C., S.L. Taylor, and J.M. Fraterrigo. 2018. Identifying marginal land for multifunctional perennial cropping systems in the Upper Sangamon River Watershed, Illinois. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 73: 669-681. Link to PDF
- **Refsland T.K. and J.M. Fraterrigo. 2017. Both canopy and understory traits act as response-effect traits in fire-managed forests. Ecosphere 8(12):e02036. DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.2036. Link to article
- **Craig, M. E. and J. M. Fraterrigo. 2017. Plant-microbial competition for nitrogen increases microbial activities and carbon loss in invaded soils. Oecologia, 184: 583-596. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-017-3861-0. Link to PDF
- Fraterrigo, J. M. 2016. Commentary: Land-use legacies and the role of persistence traits in species recovery. Applied Vegetation Science 19: 555-556. Link to PDF
- Kranabetter, J. M., K. K. McLauchlan, S. K. Enders, J. M. Fraterrigo, P. E. Higuera, J. L. Morris, E. B. Rastetter, R. Barnes, B. Buma, D. G. Gavin, L. M. Gerhart, L. Gillson, P. Hietz, M. C. Mack, B. McNeil, and S. Perakis. 2016. A framework to assess biogeochemical response to ecosystem disturbance using nutrient partitioning ratios. Ecosystems, 19: 387-395. Link to PDF
- **Wagner SA and JM Fraterrigo. 2015. Positive feedbacks between fire and non-native grass invasion in eastern deciduous forests. Forest Ecology and Management 354: 170-176. Link to PDF
- Minn, M., Cutts, B.B., Greenberg, J.A., Pavlovic, N., Fraterrigo, J.M., Turner, V.K. 2015. Detection of foreclosure-related landscape management changes using Landsat. Applied Geography 62: 217-224. Link to PDF
- **Craig, ME, SM Pearson, and JM Fraterrigo. 2015. Grass invasion effects on forest soil carbon depend on landscape-level land-use patterns. Ecology 96: 2265-2279. Link to PDF
- Fraterrigo JM , **Wagner S, Warren RJ. 2014. Local-scale biotic interactions embedded in macro-scale climate drivers suggest Eltonian noise hypothesis distribution patterns for an invasive grass. Ecology Letters 17: 1447-1454. Link to PDF
- **Krall, J. S., M. G. Hohmann, and J. M. Fraterrigo. 2014. Contingent fire effects on granivore removal of exotic woody plant seeds in longleaf pine savannas. Biological Invasions 16: 1055-1068. Link to PDF
- Mayfield, M. M., L. Chalmandrier, J. Wells, J. M. Dwyer, S. P. Bonser, C. P. Catterall, F. DeClerck, Y. Ding, J. M. Fraterrigo, D. J. Metcalfe, P. A. Vesk, and J. W. Morgan. 2013. Shifts in forest plant trait diversity and distributions across land use change and productivity gradients. American Journal of Botany 100: 1356-1368. Link to PDF
- **Block, C. E., J. D. Knoepp, and J. M. Fraterrigo. 2013. Interactive effects of disturbance and nitrogen availability on phosphorus dynamics of Southern Appalachian forests. Biogeochemistry 112: 329-342. Link to PDF
- Fraterrigo, J. M. 2013. Landscape legacies. In: S.A. Levin, ed. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity, second edition, vol 4, 524-530. Waltahm, MA: Academic Press. Link to PDF
- **Block, C. E., J. D. Knoepp, K. J. Elliott and J. M. Fraterrigo. 2012. Impacts of hemlock loss on nitrogen retention vary with soil nitrogen availability in the southern Appalachian Mountains. Ecosystems 15: 1108-1120. Link to PDF
- Bain, D. J., M. B. Green, J. L. Campbell, J. F. Chamblee, S. Chaoka, J. M. Fraterrigo, S. Kaushal, S. L. Martin, T. E. Jordan, A. J. Parolari, W. V. Sobczak, D. E. Weller, W. M. Wollheim, E. Boose, J. M. Duncan, G. Gettel, B. Hall, P. Kumar, J. R. Thompson, J. M. Vose, E. M. Ellion, and D. S. Leigh. 2012. Legacies in material flux: structural catchment changes pre-date long-term studies. BioScience 62: 575-584. Link to PDF
- Grandy, A. S., J. M. Fraterrigo, and S. A. Billings. 2012. Soil ecosystem resilience and recovery. In D. H. Wall, R. D. Bardgett, V. Behan-Pelletier, J. E. Herrick, H. Jones, K. Ritz, J. Six, D. R. Strong, and W. H. van der Putten, eds. Soil Ecology and Ecosystem Services. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
- Pearson, S. M. and J. M. Fraterrigo. 2011. Habitat quality, niche breath, temporal stochasticity, and the persistence of populations in heterogeneous landscapes. In J. Liu, V. Hull, A. Morzillo, and J. Wiens, eds. Sources, Sinks, and Sustainability. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.
- Fraterrigo, J.M., M.S. Strickland, A.D. Keiser, and M.A. Bradford. 2011. Nitrogen uptake and preference in a forest understory following invasion by an exotic grass. Oecologia, 167: 781-791. Link to PDF
- Laliberté, E., J. Wells, F. DeClerck, D. Metcalfe, C. Catterall, C. Queiroz, I. Aubin, S. Bonser, Y. Ding, J. M. Fraterrigo, J. Morgan, P. Vesk, and M. Mayfield. 2010. Land use intensification reduces response diversity in plant communities. Ecology Letters 13: 76-86. Link to PDF
- Fraterrigo J.M., S.M. Pearson, and M.G. Turner. 2009. Joint effects of habitat configuration and temporal stochasticity on population dynamics. Landscape Ecology, 24: 863-877. Link to PDF
- Mabry, C. M. and J.M. Fraterrigo. 2009. Species traits as generalized predictors of forest community response to human disturbance. Forest Ecology and Management, 257: 723-730. Link to PDF
- Fraterrigo J.M. and J.A. Downing. 2008. The influence of land use on lake nutrients varies with watershed transport capacity. Ecosystems, 11: 1021-1034. Link to PDF
- Fraterrigo J.M. and J.A. Rusak. 2008. Disturbance-driven changes in the variability of ecological patterns and processes. Ecology Letters 11: 756-770. Link to PDF
- Fraterrigo J.M., M.G. Turner and S.M. Pearson. 2006. Interactions between past land use, life-history traits and understory spatial heterogeneity. Landscape Ecology 21: 777-790. Link to PDF
- Fraterrigo J.M., T.C. Balser and M.G. Turner. 2006. Microbial community variation and its relationship with nitrogen mineralization in historically altered forests. Ecology 87: 570-579. Link to PDF
- Fraterrigo J.M., M.G. Turner and S.M. Pearson. 2006. Previous land use alters plant allocation and growth in forest herbs. Journal of Ecology 94: 548-557. Link to PDF
- Fraterrigo J.M., M.G. Turner, S.M. Pearson, and P. Dixon. 2005. Effects of past land use on spatial heterogeneity of soil nutrients in southern Appalachian forests. Ecological Monographs 75: 215-230. Link to PDF
- Fraterrigo J.M. and J.A. Wiens. 2005. Bird communities of the Colorado Rocky Mountains along a gradient of exurban development. Landscape and Urban Planning 71: 263-275. Link to PDF