I am always looking for motivated and enthusiastic individuals to join my lab. Interested applicants should read through some of my recent publications to evaluate fit, and contact me to discuss opportunities.
Postdoc Opportunity for Fall 2024. I am recruiting a postdoc to study trait variation of arctic plant communities. The position is part of a DOE-funded research project and involves lab work to characterize root traits, empirical modeling, and writing manuscripts. By studying the variation in aboveground and belowground plant traits across the major tundra vegetation communities present along local soil gradients nested within a macroclimate gradient in northern Alaska, the candidate will strive to advance fundamental understanding of trait-environment relationships and trait covariation at the community- and PFT-levels to improve prediction of plant trait responses to climate change at the regional scale. Additionally, the postdoc will join an exciting collaborative team developing capacity for the remote estimation of aboveground and belowground plant functional traits and streamlining their inclusion in process models to quantify and predict regional carbon balance.
Qualifications: Applicants must hold a PhD (or have one by the start date) in ecology, biology, or a closely related field. Applicants must have experience with plant trait measurements, statistical analysis using the R programming language, and a strong publication record. Preference will be given to candidates who have experience with quantitative analysis of trait data.
To apply, please email Dr. Jennifer Fraterrigo (jmf[at]illinois.edu) a single PDF file containing the following: (1) a cover letter, (2) CV, (3) statement of research interests and goals, (4) and the names and contact information (including email addresses) for three references. Please indicate “Arctic Postdoc” in the subject line for the postdoc position. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.
Graduate Student Opportunities for Fall 2025. I am recruiting graduate students (MS or PhD) to study forest ecosystem responses to fire history and non-native species invasion in the Central Hardwood Region of southern Illinois. The positions will focus on plant community change through a functional-trait lens, demographic responses of an invasive grass to variation in fire history, or biogeochemical cycling. The positions provide a unique opportunity to advance understanding of forest ecosystems under global change with direct impact on forest management, conservation, and restoration. The positions provide a competitive stipend, tuition waiver, and full benefits through a combination of teaching and research assistantships.
Qualifications: Applicants should have a B.S (or preferably M.S. for prospective PhD students) in ecology, biology, forestry, environmental science or a closely related field. Applicants should be able to work independently, but also cooperatively with other researchers. Applicants should have a strong work ethic, excellent communication skills, ability to problem solve, demonstrated writing and quantitative capabilities, and a record of leadership. Preference will be given to applicants with previous field experience in forest ecosystem ecology.
To apply, please email Dr. Jennifer Fraterrigo (jmf[at]illinois.edu) a single PDF file containing the following: (1) a cover letter indicating who you are, why you are interested in joining the lab, what kind of research you hope to do in graduate school, and your short- and long-term career goals; (2) a CV that summarizes your academic and work experiences; (3) the names and contact information (including email addresses) for three references. Please submit these materials before November 10. This will allow time to assess whether your research interests fit with our research group before submitting an official application.
Students may choose a degree program through either the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences (NRES) or the Program in Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology (PEEC). Official applications are due Dec. 1 to PEEC and Dec. 15 to NRES, with interviews typically occurring in early February.
The University of Illinois encourages a diversity of applicants to apply. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, protected veteran status, or any other category legally protected by federal or state law.